What does water efficient really mean?

Many appliances and plumbing fittings claim to be 'water efficient' but what does this really mean, and how do we know one is better than another?
A water efficient product can be a showerhead, washing machine, toilet, or dishwasher, any product which uses or delivers water in a reduced capacity.
WELS ratings explained
Water efficiency rating of products is often displayed as a Water Efficiency Labelling Standards (WELS) sticker on appliances or a rating description on product packaging. These ratings are on most water-using appliances, as well as taps and toilets, these labels indicate how water efficient the appliance or fitting is.
The system is very easy to read, the more stars, the more efficient the product is.
For example, a water saving showerhead may have a 3-star rating which would mean it only used around 6 to 9 litres per minute compared to older fittings which can use around 25 litres per minute.
Appliances such as washing machines and dishwashers are given a WELS rating but can also have functions or settings which further reduce the amount of water used.
Some styles are better overall at using less water, front loader washing machines use less water to wash your clothes than top loader machines (around 50% less), simply because of the way the water is distributed throughout the wash. Load sensing technology can add to this by keeping water use to a minimum on each load by automatically adjusting the water level to the load size.
How much better is a water efficient fitting or appliance?
This varies a lot between models, sizes, and styles, however, the potential water savings can be significant. A standard tap, for instance, can deliver 15 to 25 litres of water per minute into the sink, a similar low-flow and aerating style tap can reduce the flow to around 2 litres per minute.
Installing a dual flush toilet could drop your water use from 12 litres per flush to 5 1/2 litres per flush, possibly reducing flushing expenses by around 67%.
How do I know which is more efficient?
Look for the WELS rating on showerheads, tapware, toilets, urinals, flow controllers, washing machines, and dishwashers. The rating system has taken much of the hard work out of comparing the water efficiency of one fitting or appliance to another.
How do I avoid buying a fitting that only provides a dribble of water?
The shower is definitely an area you'll notice the difference between an old style 'Niagra Falls' fitting and a badly designed water saving option. Some efficient showerheads can leave you with a less than satisfactory showering experience with the reduced flow functionality providing bearly more than a dribble from the fitting.
This experience can be avoided by carrying out some research before purchasing a shower head, this might be in the form of reading online reviews, speaking to your local plumbing supplies store, or simply asking your plumber for advice. Most plumbers have replaced dozens of defective or underperforming fittings so they'll know exactly what not to buy. Plus, they can provide recommendations specific to your home, hot water system , and family's needs.
For more information on water efficiency and rating levels visit waterrating.gov.au
References - https://www.choice.com.au/home-improvement/water/saving-water/buying-guides/showerheads, http://www.sustainability.vic.gov.au/services-and-advice/households/energy-efficiency/at-home/appliances/washing-machines