How La Nina could affect your Sydney home | Pure Plumbing Sydney

What is La Nina?
La Nina is a complex weather pattern that occurs every few years. It impacts the global climate and disrupts normal weather patterns, which can lead to intense storms in some places and droughts in others.
La Nina is one of the main climate drivers for eastern Australia and brings with it a greater chance of rainfall. Basically, it's a phenomenon determined by changes to winds and water temperatures in the tropical waters of the Pacific Ocean.
As there is a strong correlation between the strength of La Nina and rainfall, the greater the sea surface temperature and southern oscillation difference from normal, the larger the rainfall changes. In the latest update, the BoM said La Nina above average rainfall on the east coast and in Australia's north, will remain until early 2023.
What does La Nina mean for Sydney homeowners?
We know La Nina is here to stay, so it makes sense to ensure you are fully prepared for whatever the La Nina season throws your way. Therefore, safeguarding your property and keeping your family safe and comfortable through the heavy rain and potential flooding, is crucial.
The main damage that is likely to occur is water leaking into your home, and at times of extremely heavy downpours this can be more like water pouring into your home. Water damage due to flooding or your property, seeping into your home, or from waterways that break their banks and reach your property. Should these occur it will leave your home susceptible to structural damage and an increase in mould outbreaks.
The bottom line is to Be safe - Not sorry “BE PREPARED”

Common stormwater problems
Damages that may occur to your property from stormwater can include:
- Overflowing gutters - the huge volume of rainwater that can fall during a big storm can be more than most gutters can manage. This can lead to water getting into walls under the roof, damaged gutters, or flooding at downpipes.
- Overflowing stormwater drains - the backflow of stormwater onto your property when it can’t deal with the volume of water can cause extensive flooding.
- Localised flooding, yard or even coming into your home - flooding from run-off stormwater from areas outside your property can wash away whole gardens or enter homes damaging furniture, flooring and walls.
- Rotting wood and the appearance of mould - this usually becomes evident in the days or weeks after a large deluge or flooding and can affect the structural integrity of your home.
What precautions should I take to minimise flood damage to my home?
- Ensure your gutters are clear and clean
- Repair roof damage or leaks
- Clean & clear stormwater drains
- Upgrade your stormwater drainage if it's not managing the current rainfall effectively
- Have an exit route for excess water
- Move loose garden items
- Trim trees
- Prevent mould before it happens.
Take a look at our simple ways to prevent stormwater damage even BEFORE it starts raining blog to find out more. We have outlined a detailed guide on what to expect, as well as tips on how to prepare for any potential changes.