What causes blocked drains?

For many their home's plumbing system is a complete mystery, stuff disappears down the drain never to be seen again and everything is dandy. They consider it to be something they don't really need to know about. If the toilet stops flushing, call the plumber . If the blocked drain is under the kitchen sink, call the plumber. If the stormwater is pooling in the yard, call the plumber. However, knowing just a little bit about your home plumbing could prevent many of these issues as well as present significant savings on plumber fees.
The drainage systems throughout your home are designed to quickly and efficiently remove wastewater and sewage from the:
- sink
- toilet
- shower
- bath
- laundry tub
- washing machine
- dishwasher
- vanity
- downpipes
- garden, and more.
As you can see these systems have a lot to do, often at the same time.
The drains that carry all this away don't travel in a straight line, in fact not travelling in a straight line is what makes the system work so well.
For starters, the bend in the drainpipe which you can see just under the kitchen sink or bathroom vanity is a very simple looking kink but it actually plays an integral part in your plumbing system. It keeps the bad smells and gasses from flowing from the drains back into your home. It also catches a lot of the solid debris which can travel along the drain and cause clogs in more inaccessible places.
This system, as well as many other integrated components, work perfectly most of the time, thankfully. Problems occur when substances or items which probably shouldn't be washed down the drain, are.
We're not just talking about big items like disposable nappies or half a roast chook (it happens). Issues can develop gradually from simple everyday activities. Such as pouring the fat from your bacon and eggs each morning down the drain or a knot of hair washing down the shower drain every time you wash your hair.
Drains inside your home often block up due to a slow build-up of fat, grease, hair and other common household substances like food scraps and dirt. This build-up can be made worse by disposing of bulkier items like 'flushable' wet wipes, tampons or sanitary pads down the toilet.
Keep your plumbing healthy and blockage free
The cost of clearing blocked drains can quickly add up and prevention is definitely much cheaper than a cure. Maintaining a healthy plumbing system is quite simple really.
- Don't flush 'flushable' wet wipes or bathroom wipes
- Put a sink strainer in your kitchen, shower and bath drain to catch debris before it enters the drains
- Collect fat and grease from the kitchen pans in a jar and throw it in the bin once it solidifies
- Don't use your drains as a bin. If it's not a liquid don't wash it down the drain.
- Only the three P's go in the toilet - Pee, Poo, Paper
Find out how to keep your drains clear and your home plumbing system working smoothly here - How to prevent clogged drains