4 ways to keep the 'hot' in your solar hot water

The right solar hot water system will provide your home with an abundance of hot water all year round. Thanks to recent advances in solar technology, modern solar water heaters have the ability to operate effectively, even on cool or overcast days.
Solar water heaters are fairly low maintenance, however, to ensure your home is getting the most from the system on your roof carrying out a few routine tasks will keep it in top condition.
Keep panels clear of obstructions
The angle that which the sun hits your solar panels will change throughout the year. Check the panels periodically, at different times of the day, to ensure the shade is not interfering with the system's effectiveness. Tree growth can quickly reduce the amount of heat your solar water heater can generate. Trim trees and bushes regularly to maximise the efficiency of the panels.
Sometimes new buildings or renovation works close to your home can stop the sun from reaching the panels at different times of the day. If this is resulting in a drop in hot water generation moving or changing the angle of the panels may be a viable option depending on your roof space. This could also be a solution if the trees shading your panels are not on your property. Speak to your plumber or electrician for expert advice.
Clean dirty solar collectors
Dirt, dust and city pollution can build up on the solar collectors (panels) can significantly decrease the performance of your solar system. If you can safely access the panels giving them a clean with a soft brush and de-ionized water will reduce any loss of system capability.
Visually check structures and components
Visually review the piping, panels, roof mounting systems, wiring, and storage tank for:
- damage
- worn areas
- signs of leaking
- rust
- corrosion
- degraded insulation.
Evidence of any of these issues could indicate the system is in need of professional hot water service.
Book a yearly maintenance check with your plumber
Even if you can't see problems occurring there may be issues with the solar hot water system components. Scheduling a maintenance check once a year with your plumber can prevent small problems from becoming large ones as well as maximising the effectiveness of the system.
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