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How plumbing in a house works

Useful information about house plumbing

Plumbing plays a major role in providing families with a safe and hygienic living environment day in and day out, so it is important to understand how the plumbing in your home works. The plumbing in a home is divided into two separate subsystems: one that delivers fresh water from either a tank or town water supply, and the other which disposes of wastewater in septic tanks or sewer facilities.

Water tanks and town water

To get fresh water, homes must be connected to some sort of water supply. Generally, homes will be supplied with fresh water from an on site water tank or from connection pipes from the town shared water supply.

Kitchen Plumbing

Fresh water supply

Fresh water is transported around the house from its supply source with the use of pressure to move the water upstairs or around corners to the taps, showers and toilets in a home. For heated water, the water is passed through a heater to raise the water's temperature. The temperature is controlled by a thermostat. Once the water has been used it becomes wastewater.


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Wastewater is transported by the force of gravity through pipes to either a septic system or a sewer treatment facility. Septic tanks are located onsite and sterilise the water with the use of an onsite treatment system, before it is redistributed for irrigation use or for further sterilisation.


Traps are a very important feature of house plumbing pipes. Toilets have an inbuilt trap, which is a ‘u’ or ‘s’ shaped pipe, often referred to as the u or s bend. These pipes allow wastewater to pass through while also keeping some water in the pipe to create a seal which eliminates exposure to sewer gases and foul odours. Kitchen sinks are fitted with similar pipes which act as grease traps and baths/showers have drum traps.

Your residential plumbing professionals Sydney

Are you looking for a professional Sydney plumbers that provide reliable house plumbing solutions? Then, look no further than Pure PLumbing Professionals to discuss your house plumbing enquiries. Call us on 02 9191 7374 or complete our house plumbing request form today.

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