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Can a gas heater make you sick?

Just like your aircon, your gas heater also requires regular servicing to ensure it operates smoothly and safely when you need it. Gas heaters create carbon monoxide, a byproduct of incomplete combustion of LPG or natural gas, which is odourless and can lead to serious health issues if not vented safely outside. During a gas heater service, all the components (thermostat, burner, flues, etc) will be tested by your gas fitter to ensure they are safe. One of the most important parts of the gas heater service is a carbon monoxide check to ensure your heater is not affecting your health.

Carbon monoxide poisoning can cause headaches, fatigue, and can even kill you. So if you are using gas heaters, ensure you get them serviced regularly by a qualified gas fitter. When you are running the gas heater, keep the room well-ventilated and ensure the flues are not blocked.

6 signs of a gas leak you should watch out for

Although carbon monoxide is odourless, you can detect gas leaks as natural gas and LPG have odours added. To keep your family safet watch out for the following signs of gas leakage:

  • Pilot light frequently blowing out
  • Soot stains around the gas appliance
  • Increased humidity and condensation on the windows where the appliance is installed
  • Stale or smelly air in your home
  • A yellow flame indicates partial combustion
  • You feel sick indoors and the symptoms improve when you go outdoors

If you notice any of the above signs, call in gas professionals to test for gas leaks or the build up of carbon monoxide and fix the issue.


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Can a gas heater cause carbon monoxide poisoning?

All types of gas heaters or decorative log fires can produce carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is a dangerous gas and can have harmful consequences if breathed in regularly. If you notice any of the below signs, especially when you are home in a room where a gas heater is being used, act quickly, see your doctor, and ventilate the area.

  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Confusion
  • Chest pain
  • Mood swings
  • Ear, nose and throat irritation
  • Trouble breathing

How to use a gas heater safely?

  • Is the service due for your gas heater? Get your heater serviced by a licensed gas fitter each year (or more depending on use).
  • Keep the room well ventilated whenever you are running the heater
  • Cold weather will increase the use of gas heaters and the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning especially if the heater is faulty. It is recommended to get your gas heater serviced annually especially before winter.
  • Ensure the flues are not blocked.
  • If there is soot or brown coloured deposits around the heater, there could be an issue with the flue and it needs to be checked by a gas fitter.
  • Don’t use the heater for long periods of time.
  • Consider installing a carbon monoxide alarm for the detection of a build up. They work like smoke alarms and will sound off an alarm when there’s an excess in carbon monoxide.
  • If your heater is older than 10 years, consider replacing it.

Has your gas heater been serviced lately?

Routine maintenance of your gas heater can detect gas leaks and also alert you to potential health risk issues. A regular service will also keep your heater working efficiently, reducing gas use, and extending the unit's useful life for years to come. If you need a gas heater service, look no further than our experienced Sydney gas fitting team.

At Pure Plumbing Professionals, our licensed gas fitters will check your heater thoroughly for faults and leaks to ensure it is safe to operate. Get ready for the cold weather in winter, book a gas heater service today on 02 9191 7374 or complete our gas heater service form.

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