Why it's good to care for your drains, even when there's no rain

With the steaming summer heat, we're experiencing at the moment in Sydney your home's drains are probably the last thing on your mind. That's understandable, who wants to think about the drains when there's no water running through them? However, during the hot weather, we are not the only ones affected by the heat.
The trees and plants in your garden and around your home respond to the hot dry conditions by dropping excess leaves. This can dramatically increase the debris build up on your roof and in the drains and gutters of your home.
This can become a big problem when the rain does eventually arrive. Flooding gutters, clogged downpipes, and blocked stormwater drains are a common sight after extended periods of hot dry weather and the damage which can occur from rainwater going where it shouldn't can be very costly.

Clear gutters and downpipes
Clearing leaf buildup from the gutters (once the weather cools down) will stop rainwater from pooling on the roof and potentially entering the home and flooding through the ceiling and walls. This goes for downpipes as well, it's very important that the water can run off the roof quickly and freely.

Clear drains
Once the water reaches the ground clear drains will keep the rain moving away from the house. This is especially important during storms and heavy rain which can quickly cause flooding around your property if the drains are blocked.
Act soon
Don't wait until the clouds build up to think about your drains and gutters, stay on top of leaf buildup and garden debris now to protect your home from water damage once the rain begins.