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My pipes are making a banging sound, can you fix it?

Yes, our expert plumbers can fix this problem which is often known as water hammer.

What is water hammer?

A shock wave of high water pressure in household piping, water hammer is caused by a sudden closing of the valve. In such instances, the water fails to compress, repetitively hitting into the closed valve, resulting in the hammering noise you're hearing.

Regular causes of water hammering include sub-par pipe installation, high water pressure and the effects of solenoid valves on appliances.

Can water hammer damage pipes?

If water hammer is left untreated, a plethora of issues could potentially await you.

Minimally speaking, excessive water pressure generated can lead to leakage on your premises.

Though on the other end of the spectrum, a long-unresolved water hammer problem can amount to bursting and collapsing of pipes and fittings on your premises.


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Is there a water hammer solution?

In almost all cases of water hammering, the best plan of action is to get in touch with a plumbing professional as soon as possible to ensure a cost-effective, efficient fix to a vital component of your home.

Find out more about water hammering here.

Don't put up with noisy pipes any longer. Give our Sydney plumbing team a call on (02) 8188 5339 or complete our service request form today.

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