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Is a rainwater tank worth it?

Why should you consider installing a rainwater tank?

Water is a precious resource and every bit needs to be saved to prevent water shortage. With the weather playing tricks and constant fluctuation between droughts to storms, there is an increased awareness of sustainable living and water conservation. One way to conserve water is by using rainwater tanks. If you need help with a rainwater tank installation or repairs, feel free to give us a call. Our expert plumbers are highly qualified and proficient in installing tanks of all sizes and shapes which is why we are trusted by the locals.

How do Rainwater Tanks Work?

When it rains, the water gets collected on the roof and goes down into the waterways. The water from a catchment area, i.e. roofs can be fed to the rainwater tank with the help of pipes and the water gets stored in the tank.


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Benefits of Storing Rainwater

Saves water

Using rainwater can reduce your dependency on mains water supply and help you save money on utility bills. It can provide you with clean water which can be used to wash cars and clothes, and water your garden. During droughts or municipal imposed water restrictions, stored rainwater can help you meet your water demands.

Prevents stormwater runoff

Rainwater can either seep into the ground and increase the level of groundwater or it can become runoff. When the water has no way to seep into the ground, it travels over the ground until it reaches a river, lake or ocean. This water can become polluted as it travels above the ground and affects the ecosystem of the water bodies.

A rainwater tank helps in preventing stormwater runoff. It also prevents pollution of the local water bodies and damage to the aquatic ecosystem.

Good for our water bodies

As we collect more rainwater, we reduce our dependence on the council-supplied water. It also means the rivers and lakes don’t need to be drained and are not used excessively to meet our demands. This also ensures our water reservoirs can be used efficiently and can meet our water demands in dry seasons.

Rainwater harvesting prevents runoffs

Is a rainwater tank worth it?

Rainwater tanks are beneficial for the above-mentioned reasons. Instead of wasting rainwater, if we can save it and use it in our day-to-day life, it will have a huge impact on our environment.

Selecting the right rainwater tank

Location of the tank

Tanks are usually placed on the ground, partly underground or on a stand. You can choose tanks from a variety of shapes and sizes to suit your property.

It is important to ensure that the tank is placed on a solid foundation. Tanks full of water can weigh a tonne and you don’t want the tank to tilt or move as it can be really dangerous. Tanks should be located in a shade to prevent evaporation and keep the water temperature low.

Size of tank

To decide the size of the tank you should consider your water usage, the size of your roof and how much rainwater are you expecting to use.

Find out the average rainfall your area receives and the size of your roof. Multiplying these two will give you the catchment capacity of your roof.

Roof catchment capacity = Annual rainfall (mm) x Roof Surface area (square metres)

This figure will give you a rough idea of the tank size you should consider.

Is rainwater tank worth it?


Tanks are available in a variety of materials like concrete, fibreglass, steel and plastic

Plastic - They are resistant to salt water and can also take impact from heavy objects. However, they degrade over time due to sunlight

Fibreglass - Durable and easy to repair. However, they cannot be recycled and end up in landfills.

Concrete - Mostly used underground, concrete tanks are durable, heat resistant and easy to clean.

Stainless Steel - They are durable, strong and resistant to corrosion. These tanks can be easily repaired and are fully recyclable.

Can you install rainwater tanks in Sydney?

Each state has its own regulations when it comes to rainwater tanks. A permit is not needed for small tanks but tanks over 10000 litres require the council’s approval.

Rainwater tanks can be used for anything else other than drinking or cooking. You should also ensure that a flow rate restrictor is installed and doesn’t affect the water supply of your neighbour.

Need rainwater tank installation or repairs in Sydney?

Contact our experienced Sydney plumbers for complete rainwater tank installation at 9191 7374 or complete our rainwater tank request form today.

More information on installing a rainwater tank in Sydney can be found on the Sydney Water website here - sydneywater.com.au

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